The Difficult to Diagnose Knee Pain – It Could Be Due To Menisco-Capsular Separation

Knee Pain Some knee pains are notoriously difficult to diagnose. It is even more baffling when the expensive MRI scan of the painful knee is reported as being normal! I occasionally encounter such patients. They come into my clinic with a problem of pain in the inner side (medial joint line) of the knee.  There … Continue reading

What Happens When A Meniscus Tear is Neglected?

Meniscus is the shock absorption pads inside the knee joints.  We have 2 of them in each knee.  They are called the medial meniscus and the lateral meniscus.  Studies have shown that the medial meniscus absorbs 50% of the medial knee joint load while the lateral meniscus absorbs 70% of the lateral knee joint load. … Continue reading