Repair of Radial Tear of Medial Meniscus

The medial meniscus is attached to the tibial bone at the anterior root and posterior root. It acts almost like a hammock to support the load from weight bearing in the medial compartment of the knee joint. A posterior root tear of the medial meniscus or a radial tear of the medial meniscus will result … Continue reading

Horizontal Cleavage Tear (HCT) of Meniscus with Meniscal Cyst

A patient consulted me for a lump over the outer aspect of his right knee associated with pain with sports as well as deep flexion of that knee. Examination of his right knee showed a cystic swelling on the lateral aspect of his knee at the level of the lateral joint line. There was lateral … Continue reading

Repair of Medial Meniscus Root Tear

Medial Meniscus Posterior Horn Root Tear Injury to the medial meniscus root results in loss of the ability of the knee to withstand hoop strain, resulting in contact pressure increases and kinematic alterations. In layman terms, a medial meniscus posterior horn root tear will lead to loss of the shock absorption function of the medial … Continue reading

Knee Pain from Osteoarthritis – Should I Go for A Total Knee Replacement?

Knee Osteoarthritis – Should I Go for a TKR (Total Knee Replacement)? Knee Osteoarthritis – It is a painful condition of the knee joint where the smooth lining (articular cartilage) of the ends of the thigh bone and shin bone forming the knee joint becomes worn out or rough. It causes stiffness, pain, swelling and … Continue reading

Bicompartmental Knee Makoplasty – Robotic Partial Knee Replacement

Makoplasty The procedure is performed through a four to six inch incision over the knee. Tactile, intelligent robotic arm technology and 3-D visualisation of the knee guides the surgeon in controlled resurfacing of the pre-defined knee disease, saving as much of the patient’s healthy bone and surrounding tissue as possible. Computer modeling of the patient’s … Continue reading

Improving Knee Replacement Surgery with IAssist

Zimmer iASSIST Knee – Surgical Assistance for Total Knee Replacement What is iASSIST? Zimmer iASSIST Knee is an advanced surgical guidance system designed to improve the accuracy and alignment of total knee replacement surgery. ZimmeriASSIST Knee helps to assist the surgeon in precisely aligning knee implants to each patient’s unique anatomy, providing a personalised fit and a … Continue reading

An Injury from Doing Squats in the Gym | Vastus Lateralis Tendon Rupture

Avulsion of the Vastus Lateralis Tendon From Doing Gym Squats A rupture can in principle occur to all muscles in the thigh, however, ruptures most often happen in the anterior muscle (M quadriceps femoris) which has the function of stretching the knee and flexing the hip. The anterior thigh muscle consists of four muscles (M … Continue reading

Regaining Ability to Walk after a Periprosthetic Fracture of the Knee

An elderly lady presented with severe pain, deformity and swelling of her right knee after a fall when she slipped on a wet floor. She was not able to stand or walk. She has a history of right knee osteoarthritis with a total knee replacement done more than 20 years ago. She was able to … Continue reading

Avascular Necrosis of the Knee Joint | Role of a Partial Knee Replacement

What is Avascular Necrosis of the Knee? Avascular necrosis is a disease resulting from the temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to the bones. Without blood, the bone tissue dies, and ultimately the bone may collapse. If the process involves the bones near a joint, it often leads to collapse of the joint surface. … Continue reading

Enhancing Cartilage Repair in the Knee Joint | Enhanced Microfracture

Cartilage Repair using Microfracture The articular cartilage of the knee joint covers the underlying bone of the knee and cushions it from shock during walking and running activities. Damage to the articular cartilage can lead to pain, swelling and eventually arthritis. Microfracture surgery is an articular cartilage repair surgical technique that works by creating tiny … Continue reading