Sudden Severe Shoulder Pain – Think of Shoulder Calcific Tendonitis

Every now and then I will see a patient who suddenly develops severe shoulder pain almost out of the blue and they have difficulties lifting up the painful shoulder. One possible diagnosis to keep in mind is that of calcium crystal deposition into the tendons of the shoulder.  We doctors call it “Calcific tendonitis of … Continue reading

All About Frozen Shoulder | Frozen Shoulder Treatment | Singapore

What is frozen shoulder? It is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in your shoulder joint. Signs and symptoms begin gradually, worsen over time and then resolve, usually within a two-year period. Why is it called frozen shoulder? Frozen shoulder refers to a shoulder that has become “frozen stiff” due to inflammation inside the … Continue reading

Painful Shoulder – Impingement Syndrome?

There are a few common causes of a painful shoulder.  They include: Shoulder impingement syndrome. Shoulder rotator cuff tear. Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis). In this post, I will talk about shoulder impingement syndrome. What is Shoulder Impingement Syndrome? There is a small space between the head of the upper arm bone (humerus) and the acromion (a … Continue reading

Shoulder Pain – Do You Have a Rotator Cuff Tear?

Pain in the Shoulder A common cause of shoulder pain in a person above the age of 50 is a tear in the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is a group of 4 tendons that envelopes the shoulder joint and help to move the shoulder.  The tendons are called supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis. … Continue reading