Peroneal Longus Tendon Tear – A Cause of Lateral Ankle Pain

The Peroneal Tendons of the Ankle and Foot The peroneals are two muscles and their tendons that lie along the outside of the lower leg bone (the fibula) and cross behind the lateral malleolus (the outer ankle bone). Major muscles that support the lateral part of the ankle are the peroneus longus and the peroneus … Continue reading

PVNS of the Ankle | Sudden Acute Ankle Pain

PVNS Ankle as a Cause of Sudden Acute Ankle Pain A patient consulted me for sudden acute pain in his right ankle while walking. There was no ankle sprain or injury to the right ankle. He has no history of gout. The pain got worse after 2 days and he could no longer walk properly. … Continue reading

Ankle Sprains – What to do it it is recurrent and unstable?

Ankle Sprains Some interesting statistics about Ankle Sprains: •1/10,000 persons/day •23,000 ankle sprains in the U.S. each day •40-45% of sports injuries are ankle injuries •85% of ankle injuries are sprains •85% of sprains are due to inversion with injury to the lateral ligaments Inversion sprains (where the foot turns inwards) are the most common … Continue reading

Adult Acquired Painful Flat Foot – Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD)

Adult Acquired Painful Flat Foot Have you noticed that the medial arch of your foot is becoming flatter when you walk? You may be developing adult acquired flat foot. This condition is typically caused by a problem with a tendon on the medial side of your foot called the Posterior Tibial Tendon that is not … Continue reading

Heel Pain – Think of Haglund’s Syndrome (Pump Bump)

Haglund’s Syndrome as a Cause of Heel Pain A bony growth that appears at the back of the heel bone can occur. This growth is called an exostosis (a benign cartilaginous growth) and is known as Haglund’s deformity. This bony prominence can rub against the overlying Achilles tendon and causes pain in the tendon.  A … Continue reading

Platelet Rich Plasma Injection for Musculoskeletal Injuries

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is an innovative treatment that uses the body’s own cells to relieve pain and promote accelerated, long-lasting healing of certain musculoskeletal conditions. Type of Injuries where PRP Can Help Although PRP therapy has been used safely in dentistry for over twenty years, recent advancements have revolutionized the … Continue reading

Achilles Tendon Rupture

The Achilles tendon is a is cord like fibrous tissue that links the heel bone (calcaneus) to the muscles of the lower leg (the calf muscles/gastroc-soleus muscles).  The calf muscles are one of the most powerful muscle group in the body and the Achilles tendon is the thickest and strongest tendon in the body. Contracting the calf muscles … Continue reading

Persistent Pain After Ankle Sprain – Think of Talus OCL

Inversion sprain of the ankle joint is very common.  Most of the time the pain resolves and one can resume normal sporting activities. However, in some people. the pain may not totally go away. There are 2 common causes of persistent pain that just simply won’t go away after an ankle inversion sprain.  The first … Continue reading